Our Families Resources

Emma’s Success Story

“My daughter is dyslexic and has struggled academically in the classroom since kindergarten. When her challenges began, we wanted to send her to a school where she could get the extra time and support she needed. However, we knew we could never afford a private school, and we thought working with the public school and fighting for her to receive services was our only option.

By the end of fourth grade, we couldn’t do it anymore. She was frustrated, anxious, disappointed and still struggling academically as her peers left her farther and farther behind. We decided to do whatever we needed to do to put her in a school where she could get the help she needed, even if that meant selling our house or working more hours. We could not watch her suffer in school anymore.

We decided to have her attend Lexis Preparatory and met with the head of school who recommended that we contact APESF as a possible source of financial help. We had no idea of the programs that are available through the state to help parents. After meeting with Jenny Miller at APESF, I left armed with all the information I needed to talk to friends and family about the tax credits available to help kids like Emma.

Emma is now in 7th grade at Lexis Preparatory, and she is a happy, confident, smart girl who is proud of all that she has accomplished. She knows that she is supported and challenged every day. My husband and I are so thankful EVERY DAY to APESF and Lexis for all they have done to help our daughter. If you are a middle/working-class family with a child who has academic challenges, please don’t assume that you can’t afford to find the right school for your child.”

– Candace, APESF Parent

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Candace and her husband send out an amazing thank you letter to their friends and family thanking them for donating and providing an update on the family and how Emma is doing in school. We encourage all applicant families to do this in order to thank those who have donated and encourage others who haven’t had the chance to do so yet! See one of their letters here.

At APESF, we are so encouraged by the success stories our families share with us. If you have a story you’d like to share, please email jacqueline@apesf.org today!