On this day APESF will award 100% of all donations as tuition scholarships.
Greater Donation Impact: Unlike typical donations, where a portion may go to administrative costs, we guarantee that 100% of your donation on Giving Tuesday goes directly where it’s needed most—to deserving students.
Educational Investment: Giving Tuesday is an opportunity for you to use your generosity to support private school students in Arizona. Your contribution will be a direct investment in their education and future.
Transparent Giving: We believe in transparency and accountability. Rest assured that your generosity will be used efficiently and effectively to support APESF applicants.
Simplicity and Flexibility: APESF’s online process to donate is easy and straightforward and you have the option to choose a specific school or student to support with your donation.
Tax Savings: You will recieve a DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR tax credit on your Arizona state taxes.
With donations given at other times during the year, according to the Arizona Department of Revenue regulations, APESF awards 90% of all donations and is allowed to use the remaining 10% for over head costs and internal operations. That is why Giving Tuesday is special! It is a day that APESF can join in this global movement of generosity and give 100%.